A Prayer for Healing

God of Hannah, who saw tears roll down her face and provided solace,

God of Hagar, who opened her eyes to the see the wellspring before her, help us in our moments of despair to open our eyes to see the wellsprings before us,

God of Miriam, who led our people in song as dangerous waters parted and who merited the creation of wells in the desert, help us to celebrate the minutes and the days and the lives that we have.

May this year of 5781 bring waters of healing to all of us: replenishing rains, purifying waters that wash away germs keeping all those we encounter safe, sustaining streams of friendship wellsprings of prayer.

May our words of kindness and compassion flow forth from our mouths to heal others, and may the words of others wash away our fears strengthening our faith.

May healing come to each one of you, healing of body, healing of soul, and may healing come to all. Amen.

Image by Artem Kovalev.

4 Comments Write a comment


  • Susan Proctor September 29, 2020

    Beautiful words of comfort and inspiration in scary times Thank you, Rabbi Judy

  • Mollie September 30, 2020

    Beautiful and inspirational. Thank you Rabbi Judy

  • Frances Liss October 5, 2020

    Thank you Rabbi Judy for always having the right words of comfortimg, when we need them the most.

  • Jeannine Sargent October 6, 2020

    A much needed prayer during these challenging times. Thank you, Rabbi Judy!

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